Numerous studies suggest that
there is a direct link between reducing stress and increasing physical and
emotional wellbeing as a result of the practice of prayer and/or meditation,
either of which, promotes relaxation.
The benefits of reducing
stress are many. Johns Hopkins School of
Education (JHSE) studies show relaxation helps with stress related behavior issues that affect the
brain such as impulsiveness, difficulty in concentration, irritating behaviors,
aggression, withdrawal, depression, learning, memory and performance.
helping the brain improve, JHSE also notes that relaxation helps our body’s
nervous system by relaxing muscles, lowering blood pressure, decreasing heart
and breathing rates, stabilizing blood flow to muscles, slowing metabolism,
calming hormones, strengthening immunity, and, releasing dopamine and serotonin
that enhance feelings of well being and pleasure.
Johns Hopkins
School of Education encourages a self-calming process that helps a
person move toward relaxation. The process is
called: "Take 5" and was created by Victoria Tennant Consulting. The 5 steps in the “Take 5” process are outlined
5" Calming Steps ©Victoria Tennant
Step 1: I notice how I feel.
Step 2: I accept myself.
Step 3: I calm myself.
Step 4: I notice how I feel now.
Step 5: I tell myself something positive.
Prayer and
meditation reduces stress – so why wait to practice them? You’re worth taking the time to Pause for
improved brain, physical, emotional and spiritual health.
How will you Pause for your personal well-being?
Make each
moment count toward your health and wellness. We
invite you to Pause today.