Wednesday, December 31, 2014


The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. 

- Mahatma Gandhi

Learn more about Mahatma Gandhi by visiting:

Sunday, December 28, 2014


Mindful Life Project envisions schools where all students are able to participate and excel both socially and academically. Our programs focus on empowering students by providing them with skills and tools that lead to improved self-awareness, impulse control, confidence and resiliency. We believe that every student has the innate ability to be a successful member of the school and the community. By providing “at-risk” students with skills that lead to positive results and successful school experiences, the whole school will see an improved climate.

Programs Overview (excerpt)
We focus on healing the social-emotional problems that have plagued underserved, inner city schools by providing an educational experience that positively impacts the behavioral patterns of students. Through Mindful Life based interventions, students can be guided to make positive life choices both at school and in their community. Mindful Life Project does this through teaching mindfulness, expressive arts, yoga, and the performing arts. Students learn to understand and navigate their feelings, emotions, thoughts, and life experiences, which enables new, wiser responses that improve attention, learning, emotional regulation, empathy, and conflict resolution. Our goal is to establish a foundation of social-emotional skills to allow students to positively navigate through difficult life experiences.

If you want to conquer the anxiety of life,
live in the moment, 
live in the breath.
- Amit Ray
Are your moments mindfully filled?

Friday, December 26, 2014

BIOLOGY OF BELIEF - Dr. Bruce Lipton

Today’s Daily Pause features Dr. Bruce Lipton -

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall

- Confucius

Learn more about Confucius by visiting:

Sunday, December 21, 2014


About Us

The Chopra Center, founded in 1996 by Deepak Chopra, M.D. and David Simon, M.D., is the premier provider of experiences, education, teacher trainings and products that improve the health and wellbeing of body, mind and spirit.  We provide an integrative approach to total wellbeing through self-awareness, and the practice of yoga, meditation and Ayurveda.  The consciousness based teachings of Vedic science, as translated by our founders, coupled with cutting edge research and modern western medicine, serve as the foundation for Chopra Center teachings.  We collaborate with visionaries, scientists, pioneers, physicians and industry experts to educate and inspire seekers from around the globe to better their lives and the lives of those around them.

Wealth is the progressive realization of worthy goals, the ability to love and have compassion, meaningful and caring relationships. – Deepak Chopra

 There are no extra pieces in the universe.
Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill,
and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle.
- Deepak Chopra
Are you aware of your value?

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


The thing to do, it seems to me, is to prepare yourself so you can be a rainbow in somebody else's cloud. Somebody who may not look like you. May not call God the same name you call God - if they call God at all. I may not dance your dances or speak your language. But be a blessing to somebody. That's what I think

- Maya Angelou

Learn more about Maya Angelou by visiting:

Sunday, December 14, 2014


Everything is in flux. 

Each moment is a new moment – a different moment.  And we are new and different in each moment, too - growing and expanding in our development. 

Because life is always changing, circumstances around us are also shifting.  Sometimes conditions are more favorable than others. 

Despite what is happening around us, it is important that we maintain our personal integrity to the best of our ability and to acknowledge that our ability to do our best can vary from one moment to the next.  What matters is that we remain fair to ourselves – to accept who we are in the moment and release self judgment. 

If we are lovingly steadfast in our thinking and behavior toward ourselves, then we can avoid hurting ourselves through guilt, regret and self abuse.

Will you Pause to be loving?

Make each moment count toward self acceptance.  We invite you to Pause today.

Click here for our catalog of prayer and meditation tools.

For more ways you can Pause, click here for our list of 75 PAUSE-ibilities.

FEELING GOOD - Esther Hicks

“If you knew your potential to feel good, you would ask no one to be different so that you can feel good. You would free yourself of all of that cumbersome impossibility of needing to control the world, or control your mate, or control your child. You are the only one who creates your reality. For no one else can think for you, no one else can do it. It is only you, every bit of it you.” – Esther Hicks

The greatest gift
you can ever give
another person
is your own happiness.
- Esther Hicks

Does goodness have a place in your life?

Saturday, December 13, 2014


Without distinction, we have extinction.  

If we do not comprehend that each of us is distinct from one another, equipped with our own belief system that is based on our own reality, then we will not be able to understand that assumptions separate us.

When we make assumptions about ourselves and others without investigation, misfortune and separation ensues. 

Assumptions cause us various levels of pain and suffering.  Chaos, drama, hurt, misunderstanding – these are the results born out of assumptions.  The price for assumptions is destruction – time, relationships, creativity, intelligence, emotions, money, resources, and on and on.  If we do not learn from these sufferings, we limit our spiritual and self growth.

Why do we make assumptions?  Because of fear - fear about us, others - it doesn't matter. What matters is that we understand that fear drives us to cower from the truth.  Fear feeds assumptions.

So how do we refrain from making assumptions about ourselves and about others?  The answer lies in knowledge, courage and willingness. 

If we are willing to seek knowledge, and willing to pursue it, we can avoid assumptions.  Even in the face of fear, if we can find the willingness to ask questions, to express what we really want, to communicate with others with clarity - we will dissolve assumptions.  And the more we inquire, and the more we are truthful, the stronger we become in our convictions, integrity and courage.

Will you Pause to be authentic?

Make each moment count toward choosing knowledge.  We invite you to Pause today.

Today’s Suggested Prayer and Meditation Tool: meaning to pause® bracelet: Awe Natural

Gorgeous Gregorian Chant - Chillout Megamix

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Our responsibility is to our own energy.  

When we express our opinions through words or actions, we are expressing our personal beliefs according to our perceptions. 

If our heart is open and filled with love, we express ourselves freely with the intent to convey and communicate - detached from expectation.  When we are free of expectations, our trust is within ourselves and our connection to God.

Ultimately, we are responsible for our decisions and behaviors.  When we understand that the opinions from others are mere projections of their beliefs and values on to us, we realize that we do not have to take on their energy residue.  Should we choose to take a vibration that does not belong to us, the result is to incur suffering. 

Freeing ourselves from suffering allows us to be victorious rather than be victimized.  

By releasing ourselves from the bondage of ego, we release ourselves from taking things personally and involving ourselves with people, places, situations and things which do not serve our greatest good.

We are constantly making choices which affect our highest outcome.  Are we willing to choose love over hate, joy over anger, and unity over conflict?

Will you Pause to be responsible?

Make each moment count toward choosing your greatest good.  We invite you to Pause today.

Today’s Suggested Prayer and Meditation Tool: meaning to pause® bracelet: OM

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Do we say what we mean and mean what we say?  Examining how our thoughts, words and behaviors interact will reveal our personal integrity. 

How does our integrity match to our goal’s results?  Do we act on our intentions and fulfill them?  Do we keep our word to our ourselves and to others?  Do we stick to our New Years’ resolutions? 

When we’re not where we want to be, intention tampering is the cause.  Whether our goals were knocked off course due to outside interference or they were an inside job, mindful attention to our intentions, was superseded by our lack of focus.

If we ask ourselves a few basic questions before we set an intention, we can save ourselves from corrupting our integrity.

Is our intention obtainable? 
- Do we have enough support, skill and energy to carry it through to completion?

Is our intention authentic? 
- Do we really want to achieve our goal?  Is the goal our goal or does it belong to someone else?

Is our intention worth the effort? 
- Do we actually want to do whatever it takes to reach our goal?  What will we have to release in order to embrace?

If we maintain true and consistent in our integrity, we save ourselves from the pain of deceite, which results in fracture of our wholeness.  The price we pay for disenfranchisement from ourselves is a weaker connection with God and brings about feelings of unhappiness.  But all of that can be turned around.  We can find our way back to a stronger connection to God and bring joy back to our lives through the power of forgiveness, mindful intention and purposeful attention.

Will you Pause for integrity?

Make each moment count toward joy.  We invite you to Pause today.

Today’s Suggested Prayer and Meditation Tool: meaning to pause® bracelet: Joy


Truth sees God, and wisdom contemplates God, and from these two comes a third, a holy and wonderful delight in God, who is love

― Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love

Learn more about Julian of Norwich by visiting:

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Words are powerful.  When said, they express sound vibrations.  Their frequency is based on our intent.  Although our intentions begin with thought, their form often begins with words. 

Through our words, we combine our emotions and intentions, which establishes and sends forth vibrations.  What we energetically create causes action and that action causes a reaction.  What energy we send out, comes back to us.  This is why there is so much power in our “intent.” And this is why it is imperative to be mindfully of aware of our intent.

When we express our words, it is crucial that we are aware of which words we are choosing, our emotions behind our words, and our intent on how to use them. 

Are we putting out love, appreciation, gratitude and forgiveness when we speak?  It all starts with us. 

don MiguelRuiz advises us in his book, The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, that our words must be “impeccable.”  That is, our words must be backed by personal integrity and the agreement that we never speak or act against ourselves. 

Our intentions, words and actions can affect a multitude of negative agreements.  We always have the opportunity to choose to do good or do harm.  We have the power to choose wisely.

Will you Pause wisely?

Make each moment count toward being impeccable.  We invite you to Pause today.

Today’s Suggested Prayer and Meditation Tool: meaning to pause® bracelet: Classic Silver

RaMaDaSa (Love Vibration) - Snatam Kaur

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Meditative self discovery is not spiritually focused like a meditative prayer.  Meditative self discovery is a simple mindfulness practice of finding out more about who we are through purposeful meditation.  The process of meditative self discovery is supported by being still and open to whatever information comes to us during our meditative state.

When we are still, non-judgmental and un-controlling, we are able to observe our thoughts and feelings without restrictions.  This practice of  transparency assists us in knowing our mind and ultimately, knowing ourselves.  Mindfulness also aids in our neuroplasticity, supporting training and shaping our mind in new ways which ultimately aids with the aging process.

Deliberate and conscious focus during meditative self discover may reveal inner conflicts and aversion symptoms may arise such as depression, sadness, anger, and so on. The more we know who we are, the more strength and wisdom we acquire, and the more adaptable we become.  Eventually, through our surrender of conflict we are able to replace struggle with acceptance.  The more we accept people, places and things as they truly are, the more we will be able to cultivate balance and inner peace no matter what is taking place outside of us.

Will you Pause today to know yourself?

Click here for our catalog of prayer and meditation tools.

For more ways you can Pause, click here for our list of 75 PAUSE-ibilities.


“Keep your heart open and your MindUP™ for children!” – Founder, Goldie Hawn

Children today are showing signs of distress. School dropout rates are rising. Distractions abound for children, their teachers, and parents.

A child’s ability to learn is directly linked to their overall state of well-being and mental health, of primary concern to The Hawn Foundation and Founder, Goldie Hawn who was the visionary behind MindUP™.

Assembling a team of educators, neuroscientists, positive psychologists and experts in mindful awareness training, the academy award winning actress, producer, author, child advocate and philanthropist created the evidence-based MindUP™ as a social and emotional literacy curriculum and training program. For 10 years, it has grown as the signature initiative of The Hawn Foundation and currently serves children and schools across five continents.

Accredited by CASEL, MindUP™ equips children, educators and parents with vital social and emotional literacy skills, helping them increase focus, improve academic performance, reduce stress, gain emotional resilience and optimism. Rooted in neuroscience, the program teaches self-regulatory behavioral control while offering engagement strategies for learning and living.

The Hawn Foundation enlists educators, scientists, researchers, clinicians, volunteers, parents and children’s advocates as well as the most dynamic mindful awareness practitioners in the world to join us in our efforts to expand MindUP™ globally for children. You’re invited to join us and make a difference today in the lives of children, impacting their opportunities for lifelong success!

The only thing that will
make you happy is being
happy with who you are,
and not who people think
you are.
- Goldie Hawn
How do you keep an open heart?

Saturday, December 6, 2014


Visioning is done with the intent of achieving the greatest good, either for ourselves or for our group.  Visioning is a form of prayer and meditation that is used when we petition God’s input for the best outcome for an activity, project, alliance, organization, etc. 

Purposeful visioning begins with a mindful question to inspire and assist us with our intent.  Visioning questions could be along the lines of the following:
What is the best procedure for this project?
What is the best course for this organization?
What do I need to release in order to bring this vision into manifestation?
What do I need to embrace in order to bring this vision into manifestation?
Following the visioning question is your mindful meditation on it with complete openness to the guidance you will receive.  Your focused awareness will bring forth insight and perspective about moving forward toward the outcome’s highest good.  (If you are meditating with a group, you will share your information with others, and they with you.)

Will you Pause for answers?

Make each moment count toward Divine inspiration.  We invite you to Pause today.

Today’s Suggested Prayer and Meditation Tool: meaning to pause® bracelet: Be Inspired

1 Hour Healing Meditation Music

Thursday, December 4, 2014


Through meditative prayer, we recognize our certainty of our connection to everything, our togetherness with the Universe and the access to the wisdom resulting from this union. Utilizing meditation we deepen our connection to God, increase our inner peace and gain more clarity.  

There are a number of methods available to us to assist when we choose to utilize meditative prayer for spiritual connection  such as breathing, contemplation, silence, chanting, mantras and guided meditations.

I am leaving everything in its place that is outside of me as I take this moment to refocus on me.  I turn inside during this moment.I stay present in this moment… in this power, in this omnipotence, in this sacredness and I feel my spirit connecting with one source, deep within the strength and the magnificence which I call God.
I am feeling the kindness that resides at the core of who I am.  It feels delightful and I welcome this kindness.  It fills my heart and flows through all of me.  Kindness is here.  I breathe deep and inhale kindness and exhale kindness.  Kindness uplifts me.  I sense a gentle and pleasant change in my energy.  I feel absolute kindness.  It is complete within me.  Kindness expresses for me.  Kindness expresses as me. Kindness is me and I am Kindness.  Kindness reminds me that I am whole, and perfect and complete.  This kindness of God unites us and we are one. 
Oh, wonderful kindness, your home resides in me and together we will discover life together.  I will expand in your presence and learn the wonderful things you have to teach me.  I reflect this perfect union.  I am serene.  I am complete satisfaction.  I am kindness.  I take this kindness with me and out into the world.  Kindness emanates from me and I express kindness freely.

Will you Pause to feel kindness?

Make each moment count toward spiritual meditation.  We invite you to Pause today.

Today’s Suggested Prayer and Meditation Tool: meaning to pause® bracelet: Kindness

Relaxing Harp Instrumental Christian Music


Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Choose love not in the shallows but in the deep
― Christina Rossetti

Learn more about Christina Rossetti by visiting:

Monday, December 1, 2014


Praying for others is when we intercede on behalf of someone else.

There are many reasons why we may be asked to pray on behalf of another.  Sometimes the petitioner asks for prayers to overcome a challenge.  Other times, the petitioner is unable to pray on their own. 

Regardless if the petitioner is nearby or far away, once we accept the petitioner’s request for assistance, we are agreeing to pray or meditate with compassionate intention, an open heart and an uncluttered mind. 

Before we commence prayer for the petitioner, we need to listen to our petitioner’s story.  Our willingness to help another must be altruistic with no expectation for anything in return for our assistance.  Our attention must be focused on listening with a light but dedicated heart and a non-judgmental mind.  And most importantly, our faith must be strong in the knowing that Divine energy flows through us as we pray, completely trusting that the outcome will be according to the will of our Lord.

Are you willing to be a vessel for Spirit to do its work here on earth?

1 Timothy 2:1 ESV
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people,

Will you Pause on behalf of another?

Make each moment count toward working with Spirit.  We invite you to Pause today.

Today’s Suggested Prayer and Meditation Tool: meaning to pause® bracelet: Pause for Balance - Bamboo Jasper Natural Stone with Green Brown Sandalwood