distinction, we have extinction.
If we
do not comprehend that each of us is distinct from one another, equipped with
our own belief system that is based on our own reality, then we will not be
able to understand that assumptions separate us.
When we make
assumptions about ourselves and others without investigation, misfortune and
separation ensues.
Assumptions cause us various levels of pain and suffering. Chaos, drama, hurt, misunderstanding – these are
the results born out of assumptions. The
price for assumptions is destruction – time, relationships, creativity, intelligence,
emotions, money, resources, and on and on.
If we do not learn from these sufferings, we limit our spiritual and
self growth.
Why do we make assumptions? Because of fear - fear about us, others - it doesn't matter. What matters is that we understand that fear drives us to cower from the truth. Fear feeds assumptions.
So how do we refrain
from making assumptions about ourselves and about others? The answer lies in knowledge, courage and
If we are
willing to seek knowledge, and willing to pursue it, we can avoid
assumptions. Even in the face of fear,
if we can find the willingness to ask questions, to express what we really
want, to communicate with others with clarity - we will dissolve
assumptions. And the more we inquire,
and the more we are truthful, the stronger we become in our convictions, integrity
and courage.
Will you
Pause to be authentic?
Make each moment
count toward choosing knowledge. We
invite you to Pause today.
Suggested Prayer and Meditation Tool: meaning to pause® bracelet: Awe Natural