Sunday, February 1, 2015


How present are we in the now?  Where have we invested our energy?  What is our perspective?

No matter the day, it can be a combination of joy and discomfort depending upon our viewpoint and stance.  Sometimes, an overwhelming amount of difficulties crowd us and we lose our way.  When this happens to us, it is vital that we shift our focus away from discomfort  and refocus our energy on being thankful. 

When we live with the intent of being thankful, our thankfulness opens the door to happiness.   Once we open that door, maintaining happiness is a choice and can become stronger the more we tend to it.  To stay on point, we have immediate tools available to us at all times:  mindfulness, awareness and purpose. 

By utilizing the tools of mindful awareness and focused purpose, we can cultivate a daily practice of thankfulness.  The cost of practice is nothing.  The benefits are priceless.

Will you Pause today to be thankful?

Today I am thankful for being awake
Today I am thankful for having the opportunity to choose love over hate
Today I am thankful for having the opportunity to choose patience over abruptness
Today I am thankful for having the opportunity to choose compassion over contempt
Today I am thankful for having the opportunity to choose thankfulness over entitlement
Today I am thankful for having the opportunity to choose kindness over cruelty
Today I am thankful for having the opportunity to choose happiness over sadness
Today I am thankful for being awake

Make each moment count toward thankfulness.  We invite you to Pause today.

Today’s Suggested Prayer and Meditation Tool: meaning to pause® bracelet:  Grace and Gratitude