Wednesday, March 11, 2015


We are never alone and always in the presence of Spirit.  We can call on our connection with the Universe whenever we tap into it because our one-to-one relationship with Divine Intelligence is always available, anytime, anywhere, any place.  In fact, so welcoming and adaptable is our relationship with God, that being intimate with God through prayer or meditation can be experienced in solitude – even when we are in a crowd. 

Prayer and meditation are always available to us – so why wait to use them?  You’re worth taking the time to Pause and talk to God. 

Together and Always Connected
I know you are with me wherever I am. 
Wherever I am, you are. 
Wherever you are, I am.

Will you Pause today to connect to God?

Make each moment count toward connecting to your Higher Power.  We invite you to Pause today.