Tuesday, April 14, 2015


We all like to feel genuinely appreciated.  Just by saying, “Thank you,” can fill someone’s heart.  Saying ‘thank you’ can also be expressed to others by doing acts of purposeful kindness such as showing respect, giving credit, providing praise, offering encouragement, pardoning mistakes or errors, and offering a gesture of appreciation.

If you borrow it – return it.
If you make a mess – clean it.
It may be tempting not to be self responsible. 
When we do this, are we choosing laziness over being pro-active by avoiding things we don’t want to do?
Will you Pause today to show respect?

If someone else thought of it or did it – give credit where credit is due.
If someone else did a great job – give praise and recognition for their work.
It may be tempting not to be self confident and magnanimous. 
When we do this, are we choosing the laziness of thinking, as described by Buddha, (“I can’t do this or that,” “They’ll think less of me,” etc.), over being pro-active in our thinking?

Will you Pause today to give credit and praise?

If someone is struggling – give enough assistance to help but not too much to take away from their learning.
It may be tempting to not make another self sufficient and create dependency on us to constantly do what they should be doing for themselves. 
When we do this, are we choosing to create bondage and debt over being willing to let go of co-dependency and welcome independence and self sufficiency?

Will you Pause today to provide unconditional encouragement?

Who among us is perfect? 
It may be tempting to think we are always right or that our way is the best way or the only way. When we do this, are we choosing to let fear and ego dictate who we are, or, are we willing to let go of our fears and ego about ourselves and others?

Will you Pause today to pardon mistakes, errors, minor disagreements or pettiness?

Are you too busy to display awareness of another’s feelings or situation?
It may be tempting to rail road past someone else’s win or misfortune by not taking the time to give a token of thoughtfulness. 
When we do this, are we choosing pettiness or selfishness as rulers over our lives, or, are we willing to take a moment out of our schedule to show we care about someone else?

Will you Pause today to offer a gesture of appreciation?

I appreciate the diversity of people in my life
I am grateful for the many ways others affect my spiritual growth
Let me see the essence of Spirit in everyone I meet
May I grow in love for others no matter how they appear before me

Make each moment count toward appreciation of, and for, others.  We invite you to Pause today.

Today’s Suggested Prayer and Meditation Tool: meaning to pause® bracelet: The Ripple Effect