Sunday, January 11, 2015


Will we choose to reflect and consider making changes during the upcoming New Year?  Will we be willing to detach from comfort?  Do we want to be the same old us with a great new look?  Perhaps instead, we want something different.  Do we want to truly be a new us?  The choice is ours.

If we are not pleased with the way our life has been unfolding, it could be that we are not living our personal paradigm.  Any discomfort that we are feeling might be because we are living someone else’s belief system, hopes and dreams. 

If our lives are to shift toward our greatest good, we need to be open, honest and willing to examine our thoughts, behaviors and beliefs.  Are we willing to dig deep into our past to explore our subconscious minds?  Are we willing to make deeper spiritual commitments?  Are we ready to make leaps of faith?  What are we really willing to do?  Resolutions challenge us to consider all of these things.

Will you Pause today 
to reflect on your willingness
 to make changes 
toward your greatest good?

Letting go of attachment is filled by willingness.
Unlimited willingness is mine.
I welcome willingness.
More and more willingness comes to me each day.
Everything I do, I do willingly.
I feel willingness.
I experience willingness.
I express willingness.

Click here for our catalog of prayer and meditation tools.

For more ways you can Pause, click here for our list of 75 PAUSE-ibilities.