Sunday, November 9, 2014


From whirling Sufis to chanting Hindus, prayer in its many expressions offers us several benefits – improved spiritual practice by providing a sense of connection to something greater than ourselves, meditative practice through a concentrated focus of our thoughts and energy, an opportunity for contemplation, and, a positive effect on our immune system by the reduction of stress caused by the softening or eliminating of worry.  Praying is good for our mind, body and soul.

Will you Pause today to embrace goodness?

Goodness is expressed everywhere and all the time around me.
I experience goodness wherever I am.
An overflowing of goodness is mine and flows directly to me.
I openly receive all the goodness that is meant for me.
I embrace goodness and goodness embraces me.

Psalm 27:13 ESV
I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!